Starting the Summer Duck Apparel company has truly been a labor of love by our entire family. As parents of a 4 year old boy, we have struggled to find apparel companies that provide high quality performance polos, hats, and many other clothing products through the younger age ranges from infant through youth. A clothing line that provides that same level of quality and style we're able to enjoy as adults. So we thought if we can't find it, lets create it! It's our goal to create a brand that represents everything we want our children to be. We truly appreciate your support and are excited y'all are here to share this journey with us!

The “Summer Duck” is best known to many of you as the Wood Duck. While the Wood Duck can be found throughout the southeastern region of the United States, they are commonly known to call the Carolinas home. They get their nickname the “Summer Duck”, because while most migratory birds fly north during the hot summer months, the Wood Duck would stick around throughout the summer getting its nickname, the “Summer Duck”.
Growing up along the coastal region of South Carolina, my husband could not help but love the local "Summer Ducks" that would frequently fly by. When you see a Summer Duck, it's one of the most colorful, playful, and beautiful ducks you will ever see. So, when we were trying to come up with a name that would capture the essence of our new clothing line, “Summer Duck” truly fit the bill... No pun intended!